Falafel is a common snack throughout the Middle east. A common theory exists that, it is originated in Egypt.
Falafel is deep-fried balls, patties or fritters, made out of chickpeas. In Arabic, 'Falafil', is the plural of 'Filfil', meaning 'pepper'. Thus, in origin, falafel would be 'rollers, little balls'.
It is generally made from chickpeas or fava beans or both. The usage of chickpeas is predominant in Middle east countries, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel, but Egyptian varieties use only fava beans.

Chickpeas Falafel is highly rich in protein, fiber, and complex carbohydrates. Chickpeas are generally low in fat and cholesterol but falafel, absorbs a considerable amount of fat during frying, and this can be avoided by baking them.
Falafel goes well with an Arabic originated dip/ spread, Hummus.
Let us check out the recipe for falafel.


Dish: Falafel
Cuisine: Middle East
Time: Preparation time   - 10 minutes
            Cooking time          - 10 minutes
Quantity: 12 pieces

Let us now check out the required ingredients.


Chickpea                 - 1 1/2 cup 
Corriander leaves   - a handful
Onion                      - 1/4 onion
Garlic                      - 5 cloves 
Green Chili             - 1 
Spring onions          - 1/4 cup(optional) 
Chili Powder           - 1/2 tsp 
Cumin Powder        - 1/4 tsp
Corriander Powder - 1/4 tsp 
Pepper Powder      - 1/4 tsp
Salt                         - 1/2 tsp 
Lemon juice            - 1/2 lemon
Oil                           - to fry 


  1. Soak the chickpea for overnight or minimum for 5-6 hours.
  2. Drain the water, rinse them well and transfer it to a blender.
  3. Add coriander leaves, garlic, onion, chili and spring onions to it.
  4. Blend them together coarsely and transfer it to a mixing bowl.
  5. Now add the salt, coriander powder, and cumin powder to it.
  6. Also add pepper powder, chili powder, and lemon juice to it and mix it well.
  7. Now mold the falafel in the shape you desire, round, cylindrical, or patty shape.
  8. Heat oil in a pan, once the oil is hot, drop the falafel balls into the oil and fry them until it turns golden brown and crispy.
  9. Enjoy the crispy Falafels with hummus or serve it as a falafel wrap in pita bread.

Tips and Tricks:

  1. Do not cook the chickpeas, if u cook the chickpeas it will disintegrate in the oil, so it is enough to soak it.
  2. Fry the falafel in a medium flame to get it golden brown and as well as to get it cooked.
  3. To get a crispy falafel, you can dust the balls in rice flour/ corn flour before frying.
  4. Also, you can dip the falafel balls in maida(APF) paste and dip in bread crumbs for a crispier snack.
  5. For a healthier snack, you can bake it in a preheated oven at 180 degrees celsius for 15- 20 minutes.
